You know when you have a pretty book for a while but don't really know what it's about? And then you just happen to read it one day and fall head-over-heels in love? This was that book for me *heart eyes*
This book was a gift from a special person who got it for me because it was on my TBR and also the cover is so freaking gorgeous it would be perfect for bookstagram *
heart eyes* (
Said special person knows how vain I can be about my bookstagram lol)
Without further ado! Seven reasons to pick up this beauty! -
1. The writing gets all the *heart eyes* from me! It's the kind of writing that pulls you in and keeps you there. Like I read this book in college and when I was interrupted I legit was confused about my surroundings because I was SO immersed in the book! I absolutely loved the beautiful descriptions and the sort of ethereal quality the writing has!! AHHHH absolutely fangirling!
2. Well-written female friendships for the win! Brienna and her passion sisters train at the Magnolia House and while there is a bit of competition among some girls, they are for the most part wonderful, caring and supportive friends. And this made my heart so happy!
3. NO SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE! you read that right. Brienna is wonderful! She's relatable and not like some "perfect" girl who is just good at everything she does. I loved Brienna's arc- How she starts out not having an intrinsic talent for the passions but works hard to be as good as her sisters. It felt so relatable and refreshing to see a main character like that. And she's not like the chosen one or anything. YAY!
4. The romance. OH HEAVENS. It was SO sweet. It's slow-burn romance and it's NOT the focus of the story. And yet the romance in this book made my heart flutter! Do you know how long it's been since the romance in a book made my heart flutter and my cheeks flush? This was just SO romantic and I loved a particular scene at the end so much.*heart eyes* I know some people have had issues with the romance but to be honest, there's nothing inappropriate despite the positions of those involved in the romance. But yes I can see why for some, the romance might seem weird. (see below)
SPOILER - There is a romance between a teacher and student but it does NOT develop when they are student and teacher. It only develops later BUT even back when they were just a student and teacher, you could see the hints as to where it is going. -SPOILER
5. Cartier. I LOVE this guy. He's like my latest favourite book boyfriend ( Nikolai Lantsov will always be my MOST FAVOURITE book boyfriend ever but Cartier has come the closest to Nik)
6. Blood doesn't always mean family and family doesn't always mean just blood. This is so true and The Queen's Rising shows that quite beautifully.
7. I loved the world-building and the magic system in the book. I love reading about history and it was wonderful to see it so intricately done by the author! Also a Kingdom where only women held power because only they could wield magic? I'm so here for this feminist YA fantasy.
NOTE - Do not look at the family tree at the beginning of the book! There's a huge spoiler in it that you don't want to see.
Have you read this book? Did you like it? Tell me in the comments below!
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