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Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar // Night Markets, Star Courts and Desi goodness

GOODREADS // AMAZON // BOOK DEPOSITORY The daughter of a star and a mortal, Sheetal is used to keeping secrets. Pretending to be "normal." But when an accidental flare of her starfire puts her human father in the hospital, Sheetal needs a full star's help to heal him. A star like her mother, who returned to the sky long ago. Sheetal's quest to save her father will take her to a celestial court of shining wonders and dark shadows, where she must take the stage as her family's champion in a competition to decide the next ruling house of the heavens--and win, or risk never returning to Earth at all. This gorgeously imagined YA debut blends shades of Neil Gaiman's Stardust and a breathtaking landscape of Hindu mythology into a radiant contemporary fantasy.   ( A huge thank you to the  HOV Tours  and HarperTeen for the eARC and the opportunity to be a part of this blog tour.  ~When a book sees you~      Yes I am absolutely go...

Blogger Voice - Illustrated Editions ~ Yay or Nay?

     Of late, it's pretty regular to see multiple editions of popular novels; and not all are only-text. There are illustrated editions, exclusive editions with art, special editions with maps and lots more.
     Illustrated editions are something I adore. There's a whimsical, nostalgic quality to it that reminds me of bedtime stories and fairy tales. My Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone Illustrated edition is one of my favourite copies ever, and my only illustrated book.

     BUT Illustrated editions have their issues too! More often, Illustrated editions are released LONG after the book is originally published. We readers have the tendency to picture characters in our head but when illustrated editions come out, the illustrations of characters are more often than not, different from what we pictured. This reduces the joy of reading an Illustrated edition for I'm going "Nah that's so not how i pictured Ron!" "Snape looks weirder than in the movies!"and so on.

     Especially with a series like Harry Potter that has a successful film franchise, and most readers have connected the actors to their beloved characters, it's hard to see that the illustrations in the book don't match either the face in their head or the face of the actors.

     Also, Illustrated editions are freaking expensive??? And when it comes down to Illustrated editions that cost a LOT vs 4 paperbacks for the same money, I go with the latter. I'm not rich! Gotta have priorities lol.

Do you like Illustrated editions? Do you own any? What's an illustrated edition you'd like to own? Tell me in the comments below!