The Dream Thieves by
Maggie Stiefvater
(Buddy read with the awesome
Prabhleen <3 )
Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue, and Adam will be the same. Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after…
I think it says something about the awesomeness of a book when I say,
I LOVE EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER! And the Raven boys are my personal favourite! I'll just quote Blue here...
“In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys.”
That's exactly how I feel about them!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED that we saw more of Ronan in this story. Ronan Lynch is basically the best friend we're all looking for. Ronan's story arc and his character development and jut about everything he goes through in this book made we wanna step into the book and give him a bear hug!
"He was clearly related to Declan: same nose, same dark eyebrows, same phenomenal teeth. But there was a carefully cultivated sense of danger to this Lynch brother. This was not a rattlesnake hidden in the grass, but a deadly coral snake striped with warning colors. Everything about him was a warning: If this snake bit you, you had no one to blame but yourself."
And Gansey.
“While I'm gone," Gansey said, pausing, "dream me the world. Something new for every night.”
I love seeing both the sides of Gansey. The side of him that is perfectly poised and the side of him that's wild and messy. We see quite a bit of Gansey's character development in this book too and I wanted
Adam has become a bit scary and unpredictable. I can see where his bitterness comes from but I wish he would stop attacking Gansey for EVERYTHING! I wish Adam would see that Gansey just wantss to help him and doesn't think any less of him. Also there was this particular scene with Adam towards the end that made me go
“Sometimes Ronan thought Adam was so used to the right way being painful that he doubted any path that didn’t come with agony.”
I wish we'd seen more of Noah. But there were these scenes with Noah that made me laugh and some others that made me go AWWWW....
Adam's response was buried in the sound of the second-story door falling open. Noah slouched in. In a wounded tone, he said, "He threw me out the window!"
And my Blue. I would be best friends with Blue. She is such a three dimensional and relatable character that while reading, i have a hard time remembering she's fictional.
The Raven Boys gave us the premise of the story and therefore had a slow beginning. The dream Thieves begins right at page 1 and there's no slowing down until the last page. There is so much happening; so many things revealed and so many things changing. A word to describe the plot would be Beautiful... That's what everything was; beautiful. The was Maggie Stiefvater spins things together and gives us this gorgeous patchwork of a story is simply
BEAUTIFUL. And I also love how most of the plot was character driven. And also how most of the plot was RONAN. I can never have enough of Ronan and I loved how the prologue and Epilogue seems pretty much the same except there are answers in the Epilogue. You'll know what I'm talking about when you read the book!
Also, Ronan's second secret!!!! Please read the book and learn what it is so we can flail and fangirl together!
I've got two words for you
DREAMY. It is literally dreamy you guys. I'm pretty sure I slipped into the pages while reading. Once I'd finished the book I walked around feeling like I was dreaming. This series has the best quotes and writing ever!
"Which one's he again? The pretty one?"
Blue and Gansey exchanged a look. Blue's look said, I'm so, so sorry. Gansey's said, Am I the pretty one?”
“He danced on the knife’s edge between awareness and sleep. When he dreamt like this, he was a king. The world was his to bend. His to burn.”
- Um i don't know what you're talking about?
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